Public Safety projects (or any major control room upgrades) usually only come around every 20-30 years. They are a huge investment, especially if you’re looking at a new building, brownfield renovation, consolidation or regionalization. It can easily become overwhelming when considering all the factors and players that need to be involved. With over 40 years of experience in mission-critical environments, Evans has found that as subject matter experts in our field, we needed to evolve our offerings to include more full-scale project solutions, not just the place you sit. Consider Evans full consulting, architectural, and construction services for your next project...and here’s why!

Can you Have Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen?

Consider this; you need an architect to design the building or renovation, you need a contractor to build the building, interior or exterior, you need a project manager to oversee the needs of the end user are met, you could consider a consultant that can provide recommendations and best practices; you have subs, financial people, board members, stakeholders, etc...the list can grow and grow! It can be hard to align everyone with the same goals, especially those with limited Public Safety or 911 Center experience. Most other industries also require specific control room knowledge, browse the major industries Evans works with.

What if I told you that Evans has an end-to-end process that considers the initial consulting, operational planning, room design, turnkey construction (if needed), project management, console design, console manufacturing, installation, warranty & ongoing support? No other company provides such detailed services in one place. Evans Consoles is your one-stop shop for public safety emergency communications centers. Just listen to our elated customers talk about their experiences.


What are the key factors to consider when evaluating console vendors?

Quality - You want a console product that is built to last. When you purchase a pair of shoes or a new jacket, would you rather spend a little more to ensure they last longer? In the end, you will save money because you don't have to replace your shoes or jacket as often. It's the same with Evans products, they are built to last. Extending the life of your budget and protecting your overall investment.

Warranty - Evans Warranty and Service is second to none in the industry. As you consider the quality of your products, you also need confidence they can and will be serviced well into the future. While we build our products to withstand a 15-25 year lifespan, at Evans our limited lifetime warranty, EvansCare preventive maintenance and cleaning will protect your investment and provide a longer ROI than any other in the public safety or control room network.

Installation - With over 12,000 installations worldwide, our Evans-certified installers are trained in mission-critical environments, many of which still operate during big changes like renovations or upgrades. You need confidence that your chosen vendor will come into your center and make sure everything is 100% installed and operating perfectly. We install each console in a planned and strategic approach during live-cutovers that will allow your center to remain fully operational with minimal interruption to your operators. This ensures your 911 center or industry-specific control room operates uninterrupted and stays 100% online throughout.

The Team - This includes the sales representative, consulting, project management, design, manufacturing, construction, installation, warranty, and ongoing client service teams just to name a few. We are full service and you get it all when you hire Evans Consoles. The team matters, from our experience to being personable and just nice people, we aim for top service every time. Reach out to us for a no-obligation conversation and find out why more directors and organizations choose us over any other console provider.

EvansCare - Often, once a project is complete, you never hear from your sales representative or project manager again. We don't leave you after installing your consoles. We are there for you well after with our EvansCare preventative maintenance program. This is NOT a janitorial service but a detailed console-specific cleaning and alignment service. Dust and debris are cleaned from equipment, underneath consoles, and in between wiring. This allows the equipment to operate more efficiently, decreases failure rates and reduces the chance of fire. Our team even aligns your consoles and tightens loose screws and hinges. All of this results in consoles that last longer, further stretching your budgets highlighting our quality products and detail-oriented EvansCare team. Learn more about EvansCare in our free and ungated whitepaper:

EvansCare Whitepaper


As mentioned previously, the Evans end-to-end process covers everything you thought about and even what you didn't. Our experience in not only 911 but other mission-critical environments allows for a wealth of experience and knowledge that can take your project to the next level and well into the future.


Thanks for reading our latest post. Please reach out to our public safety director Megan Lewis if you have any questions about the Evans process. She can be reached via our website contact form, just mention her name and how we can help you complete your next 911 project. If you are reaching out regarding another mission-critical industry then please use the contact form below:


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