medilux logoMediluX Lighting Solutions for 24/7 Control Rooms

medilux-lighting-solutions-bgLight is important to all humans. It is essential in non-daylight environments such as mission-critical control rooms. MediluX lighting solutions focus on light during the day, appropriate blue light during the night and the biological and comfort requirements of people working in 24/7 environments. Evans is proud to be the exclusive North American provider for MediluX lighting solutions.

The Benefits of Circadian Rhythm MediluX Lighting:

  • Well-being, health and safety of employees and operators.
  • Improved alertness, concentration and focus resulting in higher performance.
  • Reduction in human errors in your mission-critical control room.


MediluX is more than a standard lighting solution. It was developed to manage the circadian rhythm and optimize the effects of light on humans for both visual and non-visual aspects. Dynamic lighting that mimics natural daylight with scientifically proven benefits. The MediluX system allows data to be entered regarding gender, age, being an early riser or not, which changes light intensity levels at the desk level.

Your Personal Spectrum of Natural Sunlight Indoors

Implementing natural sun lighting improves the health of your employees in a biological, psychological and physical way. Reveal the original colors of your control room with no glare in operator console screens. The MediluX Day LED has full spectrum blue light whereas the MediluX Night LED excludes the blue light. This automated system adheres to the circadian rhythm of shift workers.

Intelligent Light Scenarios Controlled from a Central Computer

Individual light programs meet the needs of each operator for light intensity and color spectrum. MediluX Intelligent light scenarios allow for preferences to be tuned for gender, early risers, late risers and age. Scientific studies show night shift operators are 22% less tired.

Ultimate Lighting Flexibility with MediluX

Why should you choose MediluX lighting and what are the benefits?

  • Ability to have desk solutions to custom made room solutions that fit well with the Evans end-to-end process.
  • Energy efficient lighting that increases alertness, improves well-being and is the total solution across many industries.
  • Based on scientific research and innovation including visual and non-visual aspects of light.
  • MediluX is UL, CE, and ULC certified.

Shift work disrupts natural biorhythms and disturbs sleep cycles resulting in tiredness and potential health problems down the line. To prevent these effects optimal lighting at the right time and place helps control the circadian rhythm.


Upgrade Existing Consoles Lights or Incorporate Custom Ceiling lights

The Evans Design team can create a cost effective lighting solution for your existing control room. Upgrade existing console positions, or complete a room redesign new facility construction or retrofits. We have preserved our focus on solving business challenges since our founding in 1980. Learn more about how we can help with your next control room project by contacting our team.

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