Your mission-critical operation is the pulse of your organization, and it's asked to stand up to the most rigorous wear and tear imaginable, 24/7, 365. Debris, dirt, dust, and mold buildup in and around your consoles, cavities, electronic equipment, and cables can harm your employees’ health and safety, control room environments, and control room equipment. Proper control room maintenance service can help your equipment run more efficiently, reduce the possibility of equipment overheating (and reduce electrical fires), extend the life of your consoles, and increase productivity. Most importantly, this service can increase the morale in your center all while decreasing the potential spread of illness.
EvansCare is not just deep control room cleaning; we also perform preventative maintenance to ensure your investment lasts as long as possible! We will ensure the alignment of each console is correct and ensure that all screws and hinges are tight and/or replace if needed. Preventing problems before they start will ensure less possibility of big problems down the road.
Need help with your 24/7 chairs? We now offer specialized maintenance and cleaning services to keep them in peak condition. Curious if your chairs qualify? Reach out to us, and we'll be happy to let you know which types are eligible for this offer!
EvansCare provides cleaning and preventative maintenance for consoles produced by every console manufacturer. If replacement parts are needed, EvansCare can contact these manufacturers directly or assist you in contacting them. EvansCare services in no way violate or void any console manufacturer’s warranties.
Investing in maintaining your control room investment can be the difference between having to replace your consoles much earlier and/or having to pay for costly parts to be replaced. It can be the difference between a 5-year or a 20-year lifespan. There are many elements to consider as part of your console future-proofing
investment plan:
However, there are higher costs associated with lost time, premature console replacement, and the impact on the health and safety of employees, which speaks to the value of this service and its further reach past regular janitorial services.
EvansCare was specifically created for mission-critical environments. As the global leader in mission-critical control rooms, we have an in-depth understanding of what is required to protect and increase your investment's longevity and overall equipment performance. Our control room cleaning service includes:
The time spent cleaning your control room is an extensive one. A typical control room cleaning and preventative maintenance service will take approximately two hours per console. Professional cleaning crews will usually clean all high-touch surfaces at least three times. They will go inside and outside the cabinets and work surfaces, blow out the CPUs and fans, and remove all dust and debris from wires and cabling both underneath and behind the console. Keyboards, mice, and monitors will also be thoroughly cleaned. A special monitor cleaner and the highest grade of low-center cleaner are required to ensure no one is affected by harsh chemical solvents.
Cleaning wires, cables, and electrical equipment is crucial for maintaining a healthy and efficient workspace. Removing dust and debris improves air quality and keeps equipment running smoothly. Unlike traditional janitorial services, which avoid the tricky areas behind and beneath consoles, our specialized cleaning team tackles those hard-to-reach spots. Plus, standard vacuums used by regular cleaning companies often release dust back into the air, compromising indoor air quality. Our approach ensures a more effective and thorough service.
Our strict safety standards are applied to everything we do internally and externally. Our CJIS-certified console cleaners adhere to all safety regulations and standards, ensuring a safe outcome for everyone involved. Our teams also take additional site-specific training to ensure we meet your safety protocols. We recognize that we may work in secure areas and work with you to ensure our team members understand and fully comply with all security protocols.
* EvansCare control room cleaning teams service all types of consoles, not just those made by Evans.
Many people mistakenly assume that investing in control room cleaning and preventative maintenance will be expensive. This misconception can lead to significant risks. In any mission-critical environment—whether it's a control room, communication center, or PSAP command center—investing in proper cleaning and maintenance boosts performance, reduces risks, and adds value to your operation.
By creating a healthier workspace and protecting your equipment, you minimize health risks, reduce the chance of equipment failure, and extend the life of your investment. Plus, a clean environment improves morale across the board.
When confronted with the question, “How can we afford to do this?” the response is: How can you afford not to? We need to champion the people who work in these mission-critical environments by giving them the optimum workspace possible, be it lighting, acoustics, ergonomics, and yes, cleanliness, all while assuring that their equipment is working to the most optimum parameters possible.