Simple: both need to be flexible to support high-demanding, constant changing environments.

While technologies are evaluated for their flexibility options in incremental modularity, enhanced visibility to security status reporting, faster start times, lower start costs, high ramp rates, and improvement for overall operational efficiencies – shouldn’t your control room consoles be looked at with the same presets?

In the vital energy sector, the layout and design of the control room are equally important as the technology used for security, communications, data, and visibility.

In this volatile environment, which requires quick decision making at the touch of a button, the wrong layout can have just as much impact as the wrong technology. What’s more, incorrect layouts can have a profound effect on the visibility, communications, and overall functionality of daily operations.

Ask yourself

  • Is my existing framework built for foundational productivity?
  • Does my control room support future growth outside of the existing framework?
  • Does it have necessary or unnecessary components visible?


If the utility sector requires a buffer to ensure enough capacity is available to serve at their peak (during hot and cold temperatures, or when disaster strikes) – what makes your console any different? Your console should be equally durable to support several influxes, stresses, and a buildout that can meet your utility load obligations.

Are you looking to upgrade your technology optimized for ‘the now’ and ‘the future’ of your control room operations? So, why not consider your current control room console – You wouldn’t drive a car without tires, would you?