There is a lot to consider when you are planning a control room. There are many components that come together to make a successful operation. Not only are there elements that go into designing the room, but the technological aspect is also a huge piece of the puzzle as well. With all the focus on design and technology, it is no wonder that sometimes the people who work in the center can be overlooked. The operator is the most important asset to any control room. Below are three ways to make the environment more comfortable during long shifts.

Hot vs Cold: Let’s be real about something: in a control room the space is shared. There can be anywhere from two to two hundred people in the same room. With all the extra technology, bodies, and varied situations, keeping a consistent temperature can be difficult. Some people freeze in air conditioning. For others, it is never cold enough. There is an easy way to remedy this situation: individual heating and cooling at the console. Give your employees control over their own temperature, and you will immediately cut down on the thermostat wars.

Light vs. Dark: As with temperature control, it can never be just right. Some people like the lights on, some off, some in the middle. With dimmable task lighting at the console, you can provide the exact amount of light needed, whether the lights are on or off! Having less than adequate lighting isn’t good for they eyes for any operator. Eye strain can be a real health issue if you are not careful enough.

Soft vs. Hard: When you sit at a desk all day long, the little things start to matter. Take the edging of you console: a hard, rounded edging tends to take a toll on your wrists and forearms after a while. During long shifts, users start to lean against the edges of the console, and that is when it really digs in. Enter ergonomic nosing! A soft urethane nosing with a waterfall edge provides additional comfort and support to the user during long shifts!

Seating also makes a huge difference in the long shift. Sitting for long periods of time can become increasingly uncomfortable. Having the right kind of chair plays an important part to every operators comfort level, but again, depends on the operator. Some prefer soft, comfy chairs. Others prefer a stuff cushion for the back. If it’s in the budget, perhaps sit-stand consoles may be in order. Give your control room some new life.

A few simple additions to your console will make it more comfortable and user friendly. While you will get pats on the back about your great control room design from higher ups, the end users will be singing your praises for not forgetting about them.