It's tradeshow season! Soon this month, we will be attending APCO! If you're attending then be sure follow us and then mention or tag us on your favorite social media platform:
It's tradeshow season! Soon this month, we will be attending APCO! If you're attending then be sure follow us and then mention or tag us on your favorite social media platform:
Topics: Public Safety, Events
It's tradeshow season! At the end of the month, we will be attending NENA 2021! Will you be attending? If so then follow us and then mention tag us on your favorite social media platform:
Topics: Public Safety, Events
Nathan Lee is the founder and President of the Denise Amber Lee Foundation which he formed after the preventable murder of his wife, Denise, in 2008. He has made his life work to honor his courageous wife by promoting better training, standardized protocols, quality assurance, and technological advances for 9-1-1 so that it meets the expectations of all citizens. His testimony before the Florida Legislature in 2010 led to the passage of Florida's first-ever training and certification standard for all 9-1-1 Telecommunicators.
Topics: Public Safety, Denise Amber Lee Foundation
Tanya Lee is Manager of EvansCare Preventative Maintenance + Console Cleaning Services, which services mission-critical environments across Canada and the United States. She has written a Detailed Whitepaper about the EvansCare service.
Topics: Console Cleaning, Team
Topics: Ergonomics, Mission-Critical
The final stretch of the fiscal year is in sight, which means only one thing; it’s time to get your project proposals submitted. Are you looking at enhancing your existing command center? Building a new one?
Topics: Government
Evans Consoles announces strategic partnership with the Denise Amber Lee Foundation.
Topics: Denise Amber Lee Foundation
Topics: Ergonomics, Mission-Critical
There is a lot to consider when you are planning a control room. There are many components that come together to make a successful operation. Not only are there elements that go into designing the room, but the technological aspect is also a huge piece of the puzzle as well. With all the focus on design and technology, it is no wonder that sometimes the people who work in the center can be overlooked. The operator is the most important asset to any control room. Below are three ways to make the environment more comfortable during long shifts.
Topics: Public Safety
9-1-1- operators, or “First” First Responders are the first point of contact when calling 9-1-1. They coordinate emergency response and most often give instructions to the panicked voices on the other side of the call.
Topics: Public Safety