Evans celebrates a great safety milestone today! We’ve gone 1,025 days (almost three years) without time lost due to a workplace incident. It’s a significant milestone for Evans as it breaks our former record! For a manufacturing company like we are, this is a tremendous accomplishment and all should be proud!

Staying Safe for our Employees

Workplace injuries can be costly to a business, in terms of both time and money. But the human element is what we care about the most. Working safe means our employees get to go home to their families and friends, day in, day out.


Evans is Committed Health & Safety

Our commitment to safety starts at the top of our organization; it is critical to our company that our employees know how to work safely…how to avoid or handle hazards in the workplace. Our employees handle hazards in the workplace better when they have been trained. Investing in the health and safety of our employees is an investment in the success of our business.

But it’s the employees that become the most important part of this safety record. They are the ones that are the experts in identifying hazards. It is the employees that make recommendations to Evans leadership about ways to improve. So this record is really about our employees!

So join us as we salute this great accomplishment! At Evans, safety works!

To read more about how Evans is changing the way we think about Control Rooms, click the image below to read the whitepaper from Matko. It includes insights on how technology can impact the design and function of modern control room environments. All you need to do is fill out the form on the page, thanks for reading our blog!